If you have a Westsail, and need repair or replacement parts or a survey or information, there is
a single source for all of it.
Parts List as of September 2021
The following list of parts are the major portion of the parts I have been supplying to the Westsail fleet for the past 40 or so years. Please scroll down the list to find whatever you are looking for. There is a date shown on each part, and that is the date I last purchased the parts from my suppliers. If the date is much older than a year or two, please contact me because the price has possibly changed since that date. I try to offer the parts at the best possible cost to all you owners, and keep track of price changes so as to maintain a small profit margin, yet still stay in business. Naturally if you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me by phone, 714-200-9331, or by email, bud@westsail.com.
The cost of the packages of parts can be found on the pages of the Westsail Service Manual.
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(714) 549-9331 - (714) 200-9331
Email: Westsail Parts Co.
Copyright © 2021 Westsail Parts Co.