For the past 10 years, since I have been concentrating on supplying replacement parts for the Westsail owners, I have been answering owners questions on maintaining and upgrading their boats, as well as selling the parts to do so. This has resulted in many, many, individual information sheets being written up, describing warnings of potential problems, fixes, replacement parts, and upgrades to make the boats safer and more comfortable.

I did not have all of this information organized in a meaningful way, and was constantly shuffling through it in order to find something to copy to mail out in response to an inquiry. Finally, in desperation, I decided to organize the information into topics, and come up with a numbering system for the information. I organized it into ten topics, and was surprised to realize I had over one hundred of these information sheets to number. I put the information together in a notebook, which at the present time has 90 double sided pages of information.

After showing the book to a few of the owners, and with their very positive response to having all this maintenance and service information compiled in one book, I decided that I would go ahead and publish the book, and offer it to all Westsail owners, as well as to prospective purchasers of the boats.

I decided initially to publish it in a loose leaf format, in a three hole clear front report cover, in order to be able to add and change the information as time goes by. I am holding the cost of this Westsail Service Manual down to $ 20.00, which will include the mailing cost in the US. If you contact me, I will gladly send a copy out to you.

Of course, if you have any questions regarding some specific items, I will always gladly answer them, and send out the particular information sheet at no charge to you. I also, of course, have an 800 telephone number, and an answering machine on all of the time. The fax machine is on all of the time, and that might be the most convenient way of contacting me. I am also on the Internet with my own Web Site. The internet domain address is http://www.westsail.com and the E-mail address is btaplin@westsail.com.


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